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hello, what did you use to run the Genesis ROM on in the browser?

This one use an HTML5 port of retroarch by ToadKing, but it's quite ancient now:

There is now an updated version called "Emulator.JS" that allow you to embed emulators for many more consoles (loads of cores supported), and with more configurable options, that I recommend (I used this one in my latest releases):

Hope that helps!

Appreciate the response, thanks!


hey, I just came across your article in gamasutra that referred to this game. Your work has totally intrigued me and has led me to try to learn to code in c (not sure where to start exactly) ! Is there anyway to view the code for this? Thank you!! john


I'm glad you've been inspired to try your hand at making your own Genesis game with SGDK!

I've just uploaded the source code of the game here on the page (see download section). The code is heavily commented, but as it was made in 60 minutes it's not an example of "best coding practice" ;). The game is simple so the code is short though, so I hope it'll be helpful to you!

Don't hesitate to ask me if you have question about the code or need anything else!


Thank you so much!! My biggest issue right now is kind of where to start. I’ve looked over some video tutorials on The c language on YouTube but it hasn’t “clicked” for me yet. Its just so foreign to me at the moment. I managed to complete the “hello world” tutorial which I guess is a start considering I’m a total noob at this lol but If you have any pointers whether it be a book or a video or anything really it would be so appreciated! Thank you again for the taking the time to reply and happy holidays!!


You're welcome!

Regarding C, it isn't the easiest language to learn if this is your first programming experience. For Genesis / Megadrive, you can also make games using the BASIC language, that is way easier to learn than C. Here is a tool to create Genesis/MD games is BASIC (Second Basic, formerly know a BEX):


Thank you!! I will be looking into BEX for sure and I have just started dabbling in BASIC and I agree it’s much easier to understand.  Hopefully, after some time, I’ll be able to report back with some progress! Thanks again for taking the time to reply!


You're welcome!

I wish you good luck for the fun journey ahead of you: once you start making homebrew games, you'll never stop! ;)


Excellent ce petit jeu MD ! Bravo ! :)

Merci Vétéa, venant d'un expert de la MD comme toi, ça me touche beaucoup ! :)


This is a great achievement for the very short time!

I cant get passt the 4th egg beccause two hit the floor at the same time. Any hints?

(1 edit)

Hi thanks a lot for your support, it's very appreciated!

It's cool that you tested it on your Genesis! :)

As I said, the game is very unbalanced for now (1 hour is very short!).

To pass the 4th egg, you have to catch them a bit latter (i.e. make the egg touch the legs of the chicken), so they will go less higher, and reach the basket. My current record is 6 eggs :). But don't worry, I'll try to work more on the game to have a more balanced gameplay, as in it's current state it's way too challenging!